new blog
since i failed updating my physical journal, i decided i prefer typing than writing so i've started a new blog, do ask me personally if ur interested ;)
since i failed updating my physical journal, i decided i prefer typing than writing so i've started a new blog, do ask me personally if ur interested ;)
i'm having a moment of weakness, i spell it D.E.P.R.E.S.S.E.D. just a moment, nothin serious, lotsa peeps have emo status in FB and i do not wish to contribute to the statistics, there are enough sad ppl in the world so i try to put up cheerful and positive updates =P i wanna be like Bree despite goin thru so much tough times especially being a single parent having to bring up Kainoa (her little cute son) and all the challenges she faces, continues to impact lives by being so encouraging and positive!
MJ passed away today, not really a big fan of him, but no doubt he has impacted the world and the music scene in a big way, here's one of my fav songs by him, wah emo after listening again, God have mercy on his soul.
I dedicate this song to a good friend who passed away of cancer last year, rest in peace my friend, there's no more pain and suffering for you now, i'll meet you on the other side one day
hey all you awesome and lovely ppl out there, pls pls pray for me, i need God's wisdom, i need wisdom in making decisions, i need to be discerning, strong hearted and i need confidence, i have some major major decisions to make and i'm simply lost. please please keep me in prayers,
[edit: I got inside info that the distance tis year was actually about 18km]
[edited @ 3.20pm] give or not to give
I'd like to share a true story...
UPDATES!! FINALLY!! the internet connection in ipoh can drive u nuts! unless ur already nutty and crazy like me then dun worry just be happy! :P
I been having this insane pain like a knife cutting or stabbing in my back till it numbs the most parts of my left arm, its been going on for a couple of days and i thought it would go away but it didn't! Finally went to see a doc, well 2 docs in fact to get a 2nd opinion, and the 2nd doc being a specialist said that i have a slight slipped disc! =S
Father forgive me for i have hatred in my heart. so much anger, so much hurt n bitterness. damn u liar
Mahatma Gandhi was a very wise and noble man, one of his quotes that has plenty truth and wisdom is "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"
It's the last day of 2008 already and i'm not even looking forward to 2009. Shit happens, and alotta shit has happened in 2008. Suffering thru hard and painful times. There were just not enough happy moments to balance out the unhappy times. I just hope 2009 will be better. Pls God let it be a good year! pLSssS!!
Ah how do you cure the pain and hurt inside? no one will understand, after our CG badminton session last nite WC asked why my eyes look so swollen, like this? @_@
It's been such stressful times lately, thankfully God created such awesome wonders that when one have a taste or just sink ones teeth in these magnificent things, you can be teleported/transported into a different dimension, you will have a glimpse of paradise and never wanna leave, awhhhhhhhhh how lovely it is to dwell...
I was watching the rugby league world Finals yesterday when the Roos were leading the Kiwis 8-0. Then a kiwi made a pretty bad blunder on his side of the field, he couldnt catch an 'easy' ball which anyone could have caught it, what's worse is to make such blunder in the FINALS, then i noticed it... his team mates came towards him and patted on his back and encouraged him and kept assuring him that it's okay and dun worry bout the flop, they were really so encouraging! right there and then, the first thing that came to my mind was, the Kiwis are gonna win the Finals with team mates like that. also he didnt make anymore of those mistakes for the rest of the game. True enough, they went on to win it and stunned the Roos 34-20! i was thinking.. man that's HUGE!!
JMraz totally floats me boats!! but u gotta listen to this! Colbie's voice is dope!!! duet!! ur gonna love this!! yes you right there! don't miss this!! i'm so addicted to this song! (and also I'm yours) =)
i'm so hooked to this song i can't get it off my head!
I came across this interesting article on the Beauty of Mathematics and how amazing it is but the fact is that just points to a beautiful and even more amazing Creator of the Universe
Powerman 2008