The giver and the taker give or not to give
In this context, there are 2 kinds of person in this world. The giver and the taker.
There are those who gives and gives and gives, its their nature, some give unconditionally, some with conditions
There are those who are takers, its all about taking and taking, its never enough, or most of the time it's not enough (self-centered). most of the time its about me, me, and me, you? who cares bout you as long as i get what i want...
I've had alot of experience of giving and giving and giving, i always believe in unconditional giving as portrayed by my Father God in heaven, well He is God, I am not. It's draining, exhausting to be always giving and I'm NOT talking about monetary or financial issues. But of the other aspects of life, emotionally, mentally, physically, giving of your time and giving encouragements, care (emotions) etc. you can add to the list. Where do u draw the line if one were to give unconditionally, or do u even draw a line when u give unconditionally?
It sucks, it hurts, especially when you've given, and then u get stung or bitten in return. I've tolerated alot but i've been stretched quite far this time. i think i have a phobia now.
Food for thought and quote of the day (applies to me too)
"Actions lie louder than words"
Just read this... I feel you, bro.
so true...I love how you love God...its so beautiful!
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