Aviva Ironman70.3

Wednesday, July 19, 2006



Here's an interesting article i got from some women's mag while I was waiting my turn at the hair salon (haircut), written by a woman for women. Can't remember the mag, its either women's weekly or female or cosmopolitan, somewher along those lines lah. Whilst there were lotsa junk and crap in the mag, i found this article more... sensible? hehe

"Most attractive quality in woman. Anyone who has it in this crazy world must have an understanding of the galaxy beyond the grasp of the rest of us... and that is priceless. Serenity means not losing your cool under most circumstances. It means being able to drive on federal highway during heavy traffic and not feel the urge to move left or right just to reach your destination 5 mins earlier. It means being able to stand apart from the world, and see how insignificant everything is. It's knowing that we have so little time to live, so we may as well make the most of it. People at peace with the world have nothing more to prove and that's beautiful. Do the same and you will be irresistible"

Personally, I strongly believe guys should have this quality too =)


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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